1. 双方签订的有效合同原件:在履约保函中,明确指出债务人需按照该合同的约定履行义务。
2. 债权人提供的申请书或要求函:申请办理履约保函并说明具体需求。
3. 债权人的身份证明:提供有效身份证件及相关证明文件,用于确认债权人的身份信息。
4. 相应的费用:办理履约保函通常需要缴纳一定的手续费用。
To: [受益人名称] Re: 履约保函怎么办理范本 Dear [受益人名称]: In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, and for good and valuable consideration, the undersigned hereby issues this Performance Bond as guarantor for the faithful performance by [债务人名称] (the "Principal") of its obligations under the [合同名称] entered into between the Principal and the Beneficiary dated [合同签订日期]. The Principal has agreed under the said contract to perform certain services/work described therein and any amendments thereto. Therefore, if the Principal fails to perform its obligations under the said contract, we undertake to pay to the Beneficiary a sum not exceeding [保函面额] within [指定期限] days upon receipt of the Beneficiary's written demand confirming any breach by the Principal, without requiring the Beneficiary to substantiate its demand. This bond shall be effective from [生效日期] and shall remain in full force and effect until the completion of the work/services as prescribed in the contract. Any claim or demand under this bond shall be made in writing to the guarantor at the following address: [保函发出人联系地址] This bond shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [适用法律] and any disputes arising hereunder shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [管辖法院地点]. Yours sincerely, [保函发出人名称]
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