履约保函 中英文对照




保证方名称和地址 受益方名称和地址 合同编号和日期 保函金额和生效日期 违约条款 履约保函的追索方式 保证方的义务





无条件履约保函:保证方承诺在受益方提出索赔时,无条件向其支付保函金额。 有条件履约保函:保证方只有在受益方满足某些条件后才向其支付保函金额,例如提供工程完工证明。 独立履约保函:保证方的支付义务与合同本身无关,受益方可以独立于合同向保证方索赔。 非独立履约保函:保证方的支付义务与合同密切相关,受益方只能在保证方违反合同条款的情况下向其索赔。



即时追索:受益方无需提供证据即可要求保证方支付。 凭证追索:受益方必须提供证明文件,例如工程完工证明或违约证据。 仲裁追索:受益方和保证方通过仲裁来解决争议。



在受益方提出索赔时,按照保函条款向其支付保函金额。 在受益方提出索赔合理的情况下,保证方不得提出抗辩或拒绝支付。 保证方应按照保函条款核实受益方的索赔并及时支付。



协商:双方直接沟通并协商解决方案。 调解:第三方调解员帮助双方达成协议。 仲裁:根据保函中的仲裁条款进行仲裁。 诉讼:在其他方式无法解决争议时,可通过诉讼解决。


**Performance Bond**

A performance bond is a written guarantee issued by a bank or insurance company to a party (the obligee) to assure the performance of contractual obligations by another party (the principal). A performance bond is a type of surety bond.

Common elements of a performance bond include:

Name and address of the surety Name and address of the obligee Contract number and date Amount and effective date of the bond Conditions of default Mode of claim presentation Obligations of the surety

Purpose of a performance bond**

The primary purpose of a performance bond is to provide security to the obligee that the principal will fulfill its contractual obligations. For example, if a contractor fails to complete a construction project on time, the obligee can make a claim against the performance bond to recover damages.

Types of performance bonds**

Depending on the nature of the surety's undertaking, performance bonds can be classified into various types:

Unconditional performance bond: The surety promises to pay the bond amount to the obligee upon demand. Conditional performance bond: The surety's obligation to pay is subject to the obligee meeting certain conditions, such as providing evidence of completion. Independent performance bond: The surety's obligation to pay is not dependent on the underlying contract, and the obligee can make a claim independently of the contract. Non-independent performance bond: The surety's obligation to pay is contingent on a breach of contract by the principal, and the obligee can only make a claim if the principal breaches the contract.

Claim presentation**

The obligee can present a claim against a performance bond as per the terms of the claim presentation clause. Common methods of claim presentation include:

Demand performance: The obligee makes a demand for payment without any supporting evidence. Submit evidence: The obligee is required to provide supporting documentation, such as evidence of completion or a breach of contract. Arbitration: The obligee and the surety resolve the dispute through arbitration.

Obligations of the surety**

The surety's primary obligations under a performance bond include:

Upon a proper claim being made by the obligee, to pay the bond amount as per the terms of the bond. Not to raise any defenses or reject payment if the obligee's claim is valid. To act promptly on the obligee's claim and make payment within the time frame specified in the bond.

Dispute resolution**

In case of any dispute between the obligee and the surety regarding the interpretation or performance of a performance bond, the parties may resolve the dispute through the following methods:

Negotiation: Direct communication and negotiation between the parties. Mediation: Intervention by a third-party mediator to facilitate a settlement. Arbitration: As per the arbitration clause in the bond. Litigation: If other methods fail, through legal proceedings.
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