独立性:银行保函是独立于基础交易合同之外的法律文件,即使基础合同无效,保函的效力也不受影响。 书面性:银行保函必须以书面形式出具,并加盖银行的印章和经办人员的签字。 有条件的付款承诺:银行只有在申请人违约,并且受益人提出索赔的情况下,才会履行付款义务。投标保函在招投标过程中发挥着重要作用,主要体现在以下几个方面:
保障招标人利益:防止投标人在中标后违约,例如放弃中标、不按规定签订合同等行为,保障招标人的合法权益。 提高投标竞争力:拥有银行保函的投标人能够提升其信誉度,增强中标的可能性。 降低交易风险:银行保函为招标人和投标人之间提供了一种信用担保,减少双方在交易过程中的风险。以下是几种常见的投标保函模板,仅供参考,实际操作中应根据具体情况和银行要求进行调整:
1. 保函金额:[金额大写]([金额小写])。
2. 保函期限:自本保函开立之日起至[投标有效期截止日]止。
3. 保证责任:如果[申请人名称]在投标有效期内发生下列任何一种情况,我行将按照贵方要求,无条件支付不超过保函金额的款项:
[申请人名称]在投标有效期内撤回其投标文件; [申请人名称]在被确定为中标人后,拒绝签订合同或拒绝提供履约保函。4. 索赔方式:贵方应以书面形式向我行发出索赔通知,并提供相关证明材料。索赔通知必须在本保函有效期内送达我行。
5. 本保函适用[国家/地区]法律,并由[法院/仲裁机构]管辖。
**Bank Guarantee (Bid Bond)**
**Date:** [Date]
**Beneficiary:** [Beneficiary's Name and Address]
**Applicant:** [Applicant's Name and Address]
**We,** [Bank's Name and Address] (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”), at the request of the Applicant, hereby irrevocably and unconditionally undertake to pay to the Beneficiary, upon your first written demand stating that the Applicant has breached its obligations under the tender documents for the [Project Name] ([Tender No.]), any amount or amounts not exceeding in aggregate [Amount in figures] ([Amount in words]) (hereinafter referred to as "the Guarantee Amount").
This Guarantee shall become effective on the date hereof and shall remain in full force and effect until the earlier of:
The date on which the Applicant signs the Contract and provides the Performance Security in accordance with the tender documents; or [Expiry Date of the Bid Bond].The Bank's liability under this Guarantee shall be subject to the presentation of your first written demand for payment accompanied by your signed statement stating that:
The Applicant has withdrawn its Bid during the validity period; The Applicant, having been notified of its Bid being accepted, has failed within the time stipulated by you to furnish the Performance Security or to sign the Contract.This Guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the International Chamber of Commerce Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG 758) as amended from time to time.
**[Bank's Name]**
**[Authorized Signature]**
选择信誉良好的银行:银行的信誉度直接关系到保函的效力,建议选择规模较大、信誉良好的银行。 仔细阅读保函条款:在签署保函之前,应仔细阅读并理解各项条款,避免因理解偏差产生纠纷。 关注保函的有效期限:保函的有效期限一般与投标有效期一致,需及时办理续保或解除手续。 妥善保管保函正本:保函正本是索赔的重要依据,应妥善保管,避免遗失或损毁。总之,银行保函在招投标过程中发挥着重要作用,了解其相关知识和操作流程,选择合适的保函模板,对于保障交易安全、提高中标概率具有重要意义。