

在国际贸易中,外贸保函(International Trade Letter of Guarantee)是一种常用的付款方式。银行作为保函的发行方,扮演着信用担保的角色,在交易双方之间起到极为重要的作用。下面是一份典型的银行外贸保函英文格式示范:

Guarantee Format:


To: [Beneficiary Company Name]


We hereby issue this Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit/guarantee in favor of [Applicant Company Name], to be available as per their request for any payments up to the amount of [Guarantee Amount] USD (United States Dollars) for the purpose of guaranteeing their obligations to you. This letter of guarantee takes effect from the date of issuance and remains valid until [Expiry Date].

This Guarantee is subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) 600 published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris unless otherwise agreed upon.

Claim under this guarantee must be presented to us at [Issuer Bank Name and Address] on or before the expiry of this guarantee.

We further confirm that all payments made under this guarantee shall be made without any deduction, free of taxes, charges, fees, and deductions, in full accordance with the terms mentioned herein.

This guarantee is not transferable or assignable without the prior written consent of the issuing bank.

Yours faithfully,

[Issuer Bank Name]

Please Note:

The above format serves as a general guideline. It is recommended to consult with legal and banking professionals to tailor the letter of guarantee to specific requirements of the transaction and comply with applicable international trade regulations.

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