Sample Bid Bond
Dear [Recipient's Name],
As per our discussion, please find attached the bid bond for the tender regarding [Project Name] awarded by [Organization Name]. This bond is being provided to assure the project owner of our commitment to enter into a contract if our bid is accepted.
Bond Details:
Amount: [Specify the amount of the bond]
Date of Issue: [Specify the date of issuing the bond]
Date of Expiry: [Specify the date of bond expiry]
Validity Period: [Specify the period during which the bond is valid]
Name of Issuing Bank: [Specify the name of the bank issuing the bond]
Address of Issuing Bank: [Specify the address of the bank]
Contact Person at the Issuing Bank: [Specify the contact person's name and designation]
Contact Number: [Specify the contact number]
This bid bond reflects our confidence in meeting the requirements set forth in the tender documents while adhering to all the terms and conditions. We have also enclosed the necessary financial information and supporting documents as required in the tender package.
In case our bid is successful, we guarantee that we will promptly sign the formal contract and provide any additional documentation or guarantees required by the project owner.
Please review the enclosed bid bond and feel free to contact our representative if you require any further clarification or additional information.
Thank you for considering our bid. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you on this project.
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Contact Information]
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