一、保证人在本保函项下担保:为加强是投标商就【项目名称】设备采购项目相关事宜与【乙方名称】间合约的足够信心并满意提高该标书归因于技术支持和优惠信号,已向中国进出口银行(Bank of China)符合《中华人民共和国企业信用追踪管理指导意见》及本配置规则要求提供了保兑汇票,并承诺所述支付形式相对应的所有货币,需要根据发票上信息找到合适的款方式。
The Guarantor hereby guarantees under this Letter of Guarantee: In order to strengthen the confidence and satisfaction of the bidder with respect to matters related to the project of procurement of equipment for "Project Name" between Tenderer and "Party B", and to improve the attribution of the bid due to technical support and favorable signals, it has provided a documentary credit in conformity with the Guiding Opinions on Credit Tracking Management of Enterprises of the People's Republic of China and the requirements of these provisions to Bank of China, and has undertaken to provide all currencies corresponding to the payment form in accordance with the information on the invoice to find an appropriate payment method.
The validity period of the guarantee shall be from the date of issue of this Letter of Guarantee to the date of termination of the contract under this Letter of Guarantee.
三、担保人声称:在被请求提供本保函并获得Bank of China认可后,担保人确认,满足是投标商因【项目名称】订单与【乙方名称】签署的合同款项依据,在担保人承诺进行中考察机会查实且没有违反当地法规或碰撞,该保函签发将不违反任何保险协议,也不涉及担保人需履约冲突问题。
The Guarantor states: The Guarantor confirms, after being requested to provide this Letter of Guarantee and obtaining the recognition of Bank of China, that it meets the payment basis of the contract signed between the bidder and "Party B" for the "Project Name" order. The issuance of this guarantee will not violate any insurance agreement, nor involve any conflicts of performance obligations by the Guarantor, provided that the ongoing inspection opportunity is confirmed and there is no violation of local regulations or conflicts.
四、本保函一旦签发,其金额不能提高(无论是增值税还是重量单位),除非Bank of China事前明确要求。
Once this Letter of Guarantee is issued, the amount thereof shall not be increased (whether in value-added tax or weight units), unless specifically required by Bank of China in advance.
This Letter of Guarantee shall be effective from the date of execution and shall only be used for the purpose of payments to the bank named by the trustee. Any alternative evidence of translation versions and documents in other respects will be rejected.
六、Bank of China可在未提前通知保证人并没有有必要得到许可的时候,转移或不转移本保函所需款项以满足是投标商或购货商根据合同支付给【乙方名称】的要求。
Bank of China may, without prior notice to or permission from the Guarantor, transfer or not transfer the funds required under this Letter of Guarantee to meet the requirements of the bidder or purchaser to pay "Party B" pursuant to the contract.
七、为使执行力度进行下去,Bank of China有权利,视可取得支付直至偿付完毕,并使用其他提供短信销售信息银行协议办法,收到符合要求的消息文本,不透露支付原因,最少需要持有担保书天数。
In order to ensure the enforceability, Bank of China has the right to realize the payments until fully paid and use other methods of banking agreement that provide short message sales information. Upon receipt of the message text meeting the requirements, the reasons for payment need not be disclosed, and a minimum number of days of holding guarantee are required.
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