1. 范本一:
2. Template 2:
In accordance with performing the Obligations under the Contract ("the Contract") you are required to provide guarantee. Pursuant to examination and approval by the People's Bank of China, the Borrower has voluntarily applied for guarantee. Both parties have reached the following agreement based on principles of equality, mutual benefit, and voluntary participation:
Borrower: _____________________________
Project Location: _____________________________
Guarantee Amount: _____________________________
Guarantee Period: From _____________________________ to _____________________________
Type of Guarantee: _____________________________
During the validity period, when the claimant of the guaranteed debt raises a written claim against the borrower due to the arrangement of funds under the guaranteed contract, the guarantor must promptly notify the claimant to transfer the aforementioned guarantee claim and fulfill the payment obligation within 10 working days from the effective date of the Chinese court's ruling. If the requested amount exceeds the guarantee amount, the guarantor has the right to collect the payment of the project in accordance with the provisions of the recovery contract and related agreements, or demand the borrower to make full payment through similar recovery methods.
This guarantee application has undergone examination and approval. Please sign and confirm your agreement after receiving it. The original two parties jointly authorize to dispense with signatures. It is hereby declared by the parties to the valid contractual terms that any changes during this escalation period shall be notified to the other party in writing by one party, otherwise it shall be invalid.
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