Bank Guarantee
To: [Beneficiary's Name]
From: [Issuing Bank's Name and Address]
Date: [Date of Issuance]
Dear Sir/Madam,
RE: BANK GUARANTEE NO: [Guarantee Number]
As per our customer's instructions, we hereby issue this bank guarantee in favor of [Beneficiary's Name] ("the Beneficiary") to guarantee the due and punctual payment of [Amount in Words] [Currency] on or before [Payment Date] upon receipt of the Beneficiary’s written claim and complying with the terms and conditions mentioned below:
- The bank guarantee is valid until [Expiry Date].
- This bank guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 758 revision.
- Any amendments or changes to this bank guarantee must be agreed upon in writing by all parties involved.
We undertake to honor all demands made under this bank guarantee up to the maximum amount of [Amount in Words] [Currency].
This bank guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].
Yours faithfully,
[Issuing Bank's Name]
[Authorized Signatory's Name]
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