[银行名称] [银行地址] [邮政编码] [日期] To: [卖方名称] [卖方地址] [邮政编码] Gentlemen: We hereby irrevocably and unconditionally undertake to pay you, without demur and without any objection or recourse on any account whatsoever to the extent of [付款金额] USD (United States Dollars) in the manner and at the times set forth herein, upon receipt of your written demand stating that you have not received the prepayment for the goods under the contract [合同编号] reached between ourselves and yourselves on [合同签订日期]. Such demand shall be accompanied by your irrevocable letter of credit duly confirmed by a bank designated by our Bank but excluding our Bank. Your demand must reach us by cable/registered mail/facsimile at our address mentioned above not later than the date of expiry of this guarantee, failure to comply with which will result in our release from any liability hereunder. Our Bank disclaims all obligations arising out of or relating to the said contract entered into between yourselves and purchaser of goods. Our banking operations are subject to prohibition on carrying on banking business prohibited under UN and/or EU sanctions. This first demand performance bond shall expire twelve (12) months after the date of issuance. This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees ICC Publication No. 758. Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of [银行名称] [银行代表] (Signature and Title)
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